
Sunday, February 9, 2014

21-Day Sugar Detox: Day 1

This was not very well planned at all, but I think it's about time I make a change in my diet. I hope this 21DSD thingy is a hard reset for my eating habits.

Side note. Every time I say or hear "eating habits," I can't help but think of how beautifully Louis CK sums up my diet. Definitely not safe for work, not safe for kids, not safe for the easily offended.

Generally, I eat like crap. I've been vegetarian (with a two-year vegan stint, a few flirtations with pescatarianism here and there) for the better part of the last 8 years. I started racing (read: finishing) ultramarathons in 2012. I wasn't really racing per se--once I placed third in my age group, but there were only five people in my age group, and the girl who won the AG award finished about an hour before me. I usually finish comfortably at the front of the last third of the finishing pool.

Training for an ultramarathon means running a lot. For me, it meant running a fair amount more than the average person, but not nearly as much as serious marathoners and ultrarunners. It also means that I eat whateverthef*&!Iwant. Even though my racing season is only about four months long, dinner usually looks like this whether or not I'm training:

This was my lunch yesterday. Yeah. The whole pizza.
At least I only ate half the donut. Trying to eat healthy here.

I have a strange relationship with food, which I'm sure I'll flesh out publicly over the course of the next 21 days as sugar deprivation begins to settle in. I may even share half-naked pictures when the delirium hits. Who knows.

So let's get to the part where you all can judge my food, k?

Apparently I already screwed up with breakfast. The protein powder I use, which is the best that I've found for my gut that tastes pretty great, contains more than one ingredient (a no-no), and also contains stevia.

I didn't understand why stevia was on the forbidden foods list, but part of the point of the 21 DSD is to reset your palate, and I guess some people think stevia is sweet? I think it tastes like crap, much like aspartame, personally, but it doesn't shine through in the Raw Protein.

Normally I eat a lot. My caloric intake was too low for my preferences for today, but I'm still feeling a bit ill from yesterday.

- coffee (a lot)
- green smoothie (baby kale, protein powder, wheat grass powder, almonds--only 170 calories, but I was still feeling sick from dinner the night before)

Looks radioactive. Tastes like... blended kale and protein stuff.

Lunch (still not feeling great)
- avocado
- handful of almonds and pecans

- bison chili

- an attempt at cinnamon coconut butter truffle. Mine did not turn out very good, but that was entirely user error (too much salt and cheap vanilla). On the bright side, I did make my own coconut butter. Why have I never had coconut butter before now?

- thought about running. didn't.
- moved kitchen stuff, bathroom stuff, and about 400lbs of books from my current apartment in suburbia to my new apartment in the city.

Calories: 1537
Fat: 109g. Yowza
Carbohydrates (fiber): 55g (29g)
Sugar: 15g
Protein: 97g

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